Hemispherectomy Foundation Australia | Connect
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Hemispherectomy Foundation Australia operates a closed Facebook group to protect the privacy of those participating, for families living in Australia and New Zealand.  We also operate a public Facebook Group for public facing information on our Foundation and hemispherectomy.


If you would like to join the private group please search for Hemispherectomy Foundation Australia on Facebook and request to join.

Our public Facebook group can be found at https://www.facebook.com/HemispherectomyFoundationAU




Have you joined the Global Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery Registry?




The Global Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery registry is a research project that allows families to share their experiences with and without epilepsy surgery in childhood by completing a series of surveys. The data collected will be used to answer some of the most important questions about pediatric epilepsy surgery, such as:

  • What can a child do over time after epilepsy surgery?
  • What post-operative therapies and interventions are useful?
  • What are some unusual symptoms or medical issues that happen after epilepsy surgery that parents report but doctors may be unaware of?
  • What are the issues that concern parents?
  • What is the impact of epilepsy surgery on a child’s quality of life?
  • What surgical techniques work best and for whom?

REGISTER YOUR CHILD HERE: Global Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery Registry (epilepsysurgeryalliance.org)