Hemispherectomy Foundation Australia | Connect
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Hemispherectomy Foundation Australia operates a closed Facebook group to protect the privacy of those participating, for families living in Australia and New Zealand.


If you would like to join the group please email – info@hemispherectomyaustralia.org.au
and we will send you an invitation.




Have you joined the Global Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery Registry?




The Global Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery registry is a research project that allows families to share their experiences with and without epilepsy surgery in childhood by completing a series of surveys. The data collected will be used to answer some of the most important questions about pediatric epilepsy surgery, such as:

  • What can a child do over time after epilepsy surgery?
  • What post-operative therapies and interventions are useful?
  • What are some unusual symptoms or medical issues that happen after epilepsy surgery that parents report but doctors may be unaware of?
  • What are the issues that concern parents?
  • What is the impact of epilepsy surgery on a child’s quality of life?
  • What surgical techniques work best and for whom?

REGISTER YOUR CHILD HERE: Global Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery Registry (epilepsysurgeryalliance.org)