Hemispherectomy Foundation Australia ‘HEMICON’ family conferences
Full of fun and connection with others who understand the hemi journey, our biennial conferences that have been running since 2017 are an incredible opportunity to connect with other families. Hemi heroes also have the opportunity to connect and learn from each other on their unique journey.
HEMICON Australia, 2025 – Registrations now open
Our next conference will be held 16-17 May 2025 at SeaWorld Resort on the fabulous Gold Coast, with registration and a family gathering on the evening of 15 May 2025. Again, we offer a conference with no registration fees that is open to all Australian and New Zealand hemispherectomy families to attend. To secure your family’s place at the conference, register here now.
We are also excited to present our provisional program which can be accessed here. Once again our conference program is full of amazing presentations and invaluable information for hemispherectomy families. Do not miss HemiCon 2025 – the only family conference dedicated specifically to the needs of Australian and New Zealand hemispherectomy children and their families.
Join us for the fun at SeaWorld Resort
Keeping our conferences free of fees requires ongoing fundraising by our Foundation. If you have a business, or know a business that may be interesting in sponsoring HemiCon please send them our HemiCon sponsorship pack. There are many, many benefits to being a sponsor, not least it being tax deductible! Check out all the sponsorship benefits and options here
HEMICON Australia, 2023

Adina Hotel, Darling Harbour, Sydney, NSW
HEMICON Australia, 2019

Melbourne Zoo, Melbourne, VIC Our 2019 conference was another great event for the Australian hemispherectomy community.
Despite enduring the hottest start to March in Melbourne for many years, our conference held over 1-2 March saw hemispherectomy families from throughout Australia come together as a community to enjoy time as a community and hear from a range of inspiring speakers. We are very grateful to the following presenters who came to share their expertise and provide such informative sessions.
- Wirginia Maixner, Neurosurgeon and Director of Neurosurgery, Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne
- Cris, Kristi and Jessie Hall, Executive Directors of the Hemispherectomy Foundation United States
- Neil Wimalasundera Consultant in Paediatric Rehabilitation Clinical Director Victorian Paediatric Rehabilitation Service, Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne
- Chris Innes-Wong, Physiotherapist, Women and Children’s Hospital, South Australia
- Leo Gnavi, Paediatric Occupational Therapist Vision Australia
- Deb Houston, Neuropsychologist, Victorian Paediatric Rehabilitation Service, Royal Children’s Hospital
- Jenny Salgo, Community Educator Association for Children with a Disability
- Dr Penny Analytis Monash Institute of Cognitive and Clinical Neurosciences Monash University
- Dr Sarah Knight, Senior Research Officer, Developmental Disability and Rehabilitation Research, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute
- Kathy Payne, Hemi Mum & Mental Health Social Worker
- Anthony Fleming (hemi dad, IT professional and gadget man)
HEMICON Australia, 2017

Royal Pines Resort, Gold Coast, QLD The inaugural Hemispherectomy Foundation Australia Family Conference was held 10-11 March 2017 at the Royal Pines Resort, Gold Coast, Queensland.
The conference was a tremendous success with over 90 hemispherectomy family and friends attending to listen to a range of information sessions provided by medical and allied health professionals. Sessions on the National Disability Insurance Scheme and family resilience were also rated very highly by participants. Most importantly, the conference was an unprecedented opportunity for Australian hemispherectomy families to meet, share information and make bonds and friendships that we hope will continue for a very long time.
Please view this beautiful tribute to our gorgeous hemi children, siblings and families. Thank you to Karley Miller for the production.
Watch our 2017 Hemi Conference video here